For driven female entrepreneurs claiming luscious financial expansion...

Step into your new receivership era to grow and scale your business to multi-six figures and beyond from your LUSH body

without hustle, pushing, abandoning your body or selling your soul


You’re a driven woman who...

Runs towards her edges because you have a greater vision for your business, for your life, and for the impact you’re here to weave in the collective.

You desire to expand your business to 6 or 7 figures, as you lead a big and delicious life…

...and you’re desiring sustainable business growth that feels easeful and peaceful in your nervous system.

You can feel a whole new era of money receivership from your ease, peace and pleasure *waiting* to be anchored into how you lead and expand your business, and the way that you feel inside of your life…

But you’ve either hit an upper limit with your level of money receivership (either yo-yo ing in your income or cycling in feast or famine income months) or, you're redefining success in your business, going from making money through other people's formulas, into deeply and fully receiving money from your own unique receivership blueprint.

→ A nervous system receivership expansion lens on your money and business that will 1) grow your capacity to receive more money, 2) deepen your capacity to create more ease, peace and pleasure in your business and life AND 3) create, amplify and elevate the marketing, strategies and DOING components of every facet of your business eco-system.

It’s got you questioning your whole direction and whether you can actually expand your business (and your bank account) without it taking over and extracting from you and your life.

You’ve been doing #allthethings to shift out of your current receiving paradigm with your money and business, but all the healing work, mindset work and the tried and true strategies that marketing experts have recommended to expand haven’t “stuck".

You already know that business growth that’s disconnected from your receivership isn’t success– it’s emptiness.

And you’re ready not just for your next level of sustainable and luscious money expansion to land itself in… but a whole new depth of receivership in your life to become your new normal.

The missing ingredient to breaking free from your current income and peace “ceiling” that you’ve hit?

I’m here to tell you that more money in your business doesn’t have to *cost* you. 

More money in your business doesn’t have to mean *doing* more. 

Ready to actualize the next evolution of your receivership?

Ready to actualize the next evolution of your receivership?

There’s a unique body codex breathing inside of you *right now* with the exact expanded receivership blueprint you’ve been dreaming on, and it’s telling you exactly how to move to bring a whole new receiving paradigm into form. 

Then let’s weave it together and bring it into form.


For visionary female entrepreneurs desiring to grow and scale their business to multi-six figures and beyond from their LUSH body. 

Expand Your Receiving Paradigm With Money from a state of Ease, Peace and Pleasure with Nervous System Business Growth®

is a 6 or 12 month nervous system business growth ® coaching program focused on expanding your receivership capacity with money and business from a state of ease, peace and pleasure while anchoring you into resonant somatic strategies that will support you to scale your business to multiple 6-figures in revenue and beyond.


Let's be honest.


The personal development and business coaching world is ripe with strategies, million-dollar mindset hacks, and complex systems that take a head-down approach and are all trying to show you how to *make* more money in your business.

The real flex?

But here's the truth...

The sustainable money that you desire to create…

The ease, peace and pleasure that you want to feel in your business and your body…

Can only be weaved from a nervous system that feels in its *capacity* to receive and to hold more money from a paradigm of ease, peace and pleasure.

Your nervous system is the one that’s calling the shots when it comes to receiving and holding more money, whether you know it or not… 

…and this directly mirrors itself inside of the eco-system of your business through the offers, strategies, systems and structures that create and maintain your receivership paradigm. 

I'm not talking about nervous system regulation tools here...


this work goes well beyond that.

What most entrepreneurs desiring to receive more money *without* compromising on their life don’t know yet:


These past imprints are unconscious protections that are short-circuiting the receiving capacity of your nervous system, and are being reflected inside of your entire business eco-system. 

YOU RECEIVE WHAT YOUR BODY FEELS SAFE TO RECEIVE (5k, 10k, 30k, 50k, 100k+ per month...), in the way it feels safe to receive it (i.e. from hustle or from flow).

This somatic set point with money sets the lens from which you do, be, create and receive everything in your business and life (I’m talking how you hold strategies, clients, programs, your level of leadership…, all of it).

If your nervous system doesn’t feel safe to hold the level of expansion you are desiring to welcome in, you’ll be hitting an invisible upper limit that will reflect itself back to you with money, time, energy, your level of ease and peace and/or leadership capacity. 

Affirmations, money mindset shifts, business strategies and manifestation practices fall flat without having your body on board. 

Those things are only working at the surface level, they don’t leave a long-lasting imprint on your receiving paradigm with money, and they don’t support you to create a sustainable business.

Most programs that teach you how to make more money in your business aren’t going deep enough.

This is why Nectar was birthed.

"Entering Nectar I was at about $10k months (sometimes more but it was VERY inconsistent) – now I am at $35k months and growing."

"Even though I entered Nectar so consumed by and worried about money with all this stress about fixing my money wounds, all of that was resolved but it wasn't even the biggest win looking back!

What I am most proud of is getting to LIVE MY LIFE AGAIN. I…had more fun, ease and peace than I have had in the full three years of owning my business.

I feel so much more peace and flow with my business, and I have more trust in myself as the leader in my business…I also happened to lose 20 lbs during this time which I know is 100000% connected to feeling more ease and safety in my nervous system. Hello way less cortisol!

"Do it"...if you're considering it, there's a reason. Trust that you might not know exactly why you need to do it right now (logically) but sometimes we're not meant to know the "why" because if we did, we might not take the leap."

Makenna N

you will be expanding your capacity to receive more money from your ease, peace and pleasure, as you integrate these nervous system calibrations into the entire eco-system of your business, creating a truly comprehensive, nourishing and integrated approach for your most sustainable business growth. 

inside of

Nectar Includes...

FOUR LIVE group coaching calls a month with Ana so that you can you can receive individualized coaching on money, growing and scaling your business and integrating resonant somatic strategies to support your receiving

TWO LIVE nervous system expansion sessions a month that will support your nervous system to calibrate to your desired receiving level (the format of these calls will depend on which tier you select)

Content that is inviting you into regular nervous system expansion work with your specific money goals, and teaching you on money, receivership, holding more money and profit, calibrating to greater levels of ease, peace and pleasure, and re-wiring the way that you launch and work in your business (no more hustle and overwhelm!) 

Content that is teaching you somatic marketing and strategy from the lens of Nervous System Business Growth® with the following programs included within the space:


Copy and content reviews once per month so that you can create more resonant content from your expanded body and attract and convert more clients

Community support in a Slack channel in between sessions with Ana and the Nectar Lead Facilitators

Quarterly virtual retreats to set yourself up to receive lusciously, complete with planning and strategizing based on your nervous system calibrations [DIAMOND AND GOLD TIER ONLY]

A $1000 discount on any Empress Retreat when you register during your Nectar enrollment [DIAMOND TIER ONLY] 

OR a Nectar retreat that’s included as part of the program [GOLD TIER ONLY]

All new live programs that Ana releases during your enrollment [DIAMOND AND GOLD TIER ONLY]

Learning Ana’s unique methodology and integrating it into the expression of your work [GOLD TIER ONLY]

There are 3 tiers of Nectar to choose from...

Use the quick links above to access each tier, or click "COMPARE" to see your options side by side.

🌙 You prefer to access NS expansion sessions in a larger group setting, versus receiving individualized nervous system work. 

🌙 You don’t want to prioritize showing up LIVE for the nervous system sessions, but rather would like to tap into the recordings to receive the NS calibration work.


tier one

this is for you if...

1) Content as noted above, interweaving nervous system expansion work, with somatic strategies and marketing from the lens of Nervous System Business Growth®

2) FOUR LIVE group calls per month (1x per week) with Ana to support you in growing and scaling your business 

3) Two LIVE nervous system expansion sessions per month in a larger group context that calibrates your nervous system to more money with ease, peace and pleasure

4) Copy and content reviews once per month 

5) Community support in a Slack channel to share your wins, ask for feedback from your coaches and feel supported in your 


12 MONTHS: $6k PIF or $555/mo

6 MONTHS: $5k PIF or $888/mo

best value


🌙 You are desiring to be in a more intimate space, with more individualized nervous system sessions. 

🌙 You are emerging from a season of burnout and need some extra nervous system care this will take you into deeper in to repair and replenish more “quickly” and fully. 

🌙 You love diving into the depths, the expansion pods give you (even more) space to tap into that kind of yumminess because you have individualized time with a Nectar co-coach to go fully IN 

🌙 You desire access to new live programs that I lead throughout the year, saving $$ and maximizing transformation level.


tier two

this is for you if...

1) EVERYTHING in the Emerald Tier, PLUS:

2) Intimate nervous system expansion sessions with a Nectar co-coach that has no more than 4 women in the space where you will receive individualized nervous system work with money (2x per month) so that you can dive deeper and collapse your own expansion timeline.  

3) Quarterly receivership virtual retreats to calibrate your nervous system to the expansion you are desiring and to strategically anchor in the pathway for bringing it into form.

4) Access to all new programs that Ana launches throughout your time in Nectar 

5) $1000 off an Empress Receiving Retreat 


12 MONTHS: $13,888 PIF or $1188/mo

6 MONTHS: $7500 PIF or $1300/mo

best value


🌙 You desire to integrate nervous system expansion work into your spaces, and you want to deepen your thought leadership and your body of work through this lens.

🌙 You are desiring to be in a more intimate space, with more individualized nervous system sessions. 

🌙 You are someone who loves to learn and alongside expanding your own money and business through Nectar, you also want to learn the ‘how’ behind the work on a deeper level

🌙 You want to integrate this work in person and tap into somatic expansion on an intimate retreat with Ana and other sisters


tier three

this is for you if...

1) EVERYTHING in the Emerald and Diamond Tier, PLUS:

2) Become certified in this nervous system expansion methodology and get support to integrate it into the expression of your own body of work

3) All inclusive 5 day retreat experience

4) A special monthly group coaching call time for this tier only

5) A separate private and intimate Slack channel for support


18 MONTHS: $1222/mo

12 MONTHS: $1777/mo


This is a 12 month program, that also includes a BONUS 12 months of integration access of the methodology into your work (you get access to demo calls and Q & A calls for a year after)


Want to compare your options?






1) Content as noted above, interweaving nervous system expansion work, with somatic strategies and marketing from the lens of Nervous System Business Growth®, 

2) FOUR LIVE group calls per month (1x per week) with Ana to support you in growing and scaling your business 

3) Two LIVE nervous system expansion sessions per month in a larger group context that calibrates your nervous system to more money with ease, peace and pleasure

4) Copy and content reviews once per month 

5) Community support in a Slack channel to share your wins, ask for feedback from your coaches and feel supported in your

1) EVERYTHING in the Emerald Tier PLUS 

2) Intimate nervous system expansion sessions with a Nectar co-coach that has no more than 4 women in the space where you will receive individualized nervous system work with money (2x per month) so that you can dive deeper and collapse your own expansion timeline.  

3) Quarterly receivership virtual retreats to calibrate your nervous system to the expansion you are desiring and to strategically anchor in the pathway for bringing it into form.

4) Access to all new programs that Ana launches throughout your time in Nectar 

5) $1000 off an Empress Receiving Retreat

1) EVERYTHING in the Emerald and Diamond Tier, PLUS:

2) Become certified in this nervous system expansion methodology and get support to integrate it into the expression of your own body of work

3) All inclusive 5 day retreat experience

4) A special monthly group coaching call time for this tier only

5) A separate private and intimate Slack channel for support




JOIN gold

12 Months: $555/mo

or $6000 PIF

6 Months: $888/mo

*This is a 12 month program, that also includes a BONUS 12 months of integration access of the methodology into your work (you get access to demo calls and Q & A calls for a year after)

or $5000 PIF

12 Months: $1188/mo

or $13,888 PIF

6 Months: $1300/mo

or $7500 PIF

12 Months: $1777/mo

18 Months: $1222/mo

or $20k PIF

When I started my coaching business, I had an incredibly avoidant relationship with money, and that mirrored itself in my business results BIG TIME. I was doing everything but money work– hiring coaches to support me in healing, with marketing and strategy, and truthfully: I was overdoing, overcomplicating and overthinking. 

I couldn’t find ANYONE teaching money and business from a somatic perspective, and so I began applying my 10+ years of experience with somatics into my relationship with money, with astounding results. 

3 months after my first few five months, I began hitting consistent 50k months in my business, and I leaped from a 50k cash year to 500k cash years within 2 years.

Then I began integrating it with my clients, and receivership floodgates opened for them, too.

Within 4 months of consistent nervous system expansion work with money, not only did I shift from variable 2-3k months into consistent 10-20k months– but the way that I was embodying and applying strategy and marketing inside of my business completely transformed too through the process.

Nervous system expansion work with money isn’t a quick fix manifestation tool and it’s not a hack to easy money. 

This is a pathway towards shifting out of an extraction based paradigm with money, into a receivership era with money that nourishes and sustains you, your community, and sets you up to create true wealth for your lineage, internally and externally.

Nervous System Business Growth® initiates you into luscious, sustainable business expansion, whether you are in the earlier stages of your business, or already making multi-six figures +.

This program will change not only your receivership of money inside of your business, it will transform the entire landscape of your life.

When you step into weaving a regulated and expansive relationship with money from your nervous system roots, it impacts your life, your leadership and the entire eco-system of your business, paving the receivership pathway that’s already etched into your being. 

"Being in Nectar was nervous system romance."

"Think 700 thread count sheets for your soul. It was nothing short of life changing! I know this is a loaded word but it’s not loaded enough. There have been some amazing tangible benefits like six figure launches, viral content and more luscious receivership.

My average monthly income has increased without really “doing anything.” But the real gold hasn’t been the numbers. An entirely new landscape has opened up within me — a temple of straight up fairy dust & magic. Pleasure is now an embodied state of BEING and I feel more engaged with my life than ever before.

Do yourself a favour and add this experience to cart. You will not regret it."

Kyla Hatha Astro

What is Nervous System Business Growth®?

Nervous System Business Growth® is an integrated approach to growing and scaling your business that’s rooted in a relational receivership lens with money which impacts and informs the shape and cadence of your entire business eco-system. 

As your nervous system expands its capacity to receive more money from ease, peace and pleasure, the lens through which you see, create, lead and move within your business shapes itself based on the level of business you feel in your capacity to hold. 

Nervous System Business Growth® guides you to expand your capacity for more from your nourishment, as it supports you to find resonance between your offerings, the clients you want to serve, the product suite that wants to be weaved through the soul of your work, and the systems, structures, strategies and support systems that are in a reciprocal receivership relationship with you, the life that you want to create and the money that you desire to flow in. 

This groundbreaking somatic approach to expanding your business allows you to tap into the power and wisdom inherent within your expanded body and within *you*, accessing the receivership blueprint that is already breathing inside you, and it supports to shift patterns of overworking and overdoing to tap into a receivership paradigm that truly meets you and your body. 

"Nectar is essential for any woman ready to expand her nervous system capacity to receive the wealth and life she deeply desires."

"Ana's method of weaving nervous system work into receiving more wealth and money was unlike anything I had ever seen in the coaching industry. I came into the program peaking at 3-6K months in my business... and ended the program meeting my 10-20K monthly goal. I feel more comfortable with money now, charging more and receiving more.

I came into Nectar with a very ambivalent relationship toward money. Ana weaved her magic into places within myself that felt buried and stuck within my ancestry. Once the contractions around my finances started to loosen their grip within me, my business and relationship to money began to bloom in ways I never imagined. I would absolutely do this program again (and again!). Nectar is one of the most powerful coaching journeys I've experienced."

Liz C

Driven female entrepreneurs who already have a business and are making a *minimum* of 1-2k per month

Entrepreneurs who are looking to grow and scale their business sustainably and for the long term

Business owners who desire to lean into their own unique receiving blueprint for money and business so they can create their own rules for growth and success, versus following formulas and “quick fixes” to make more money

Women who want to step into the BIGNESS of their vision and ambition while they also tend to expanding their life and depth of aliveness


Ana is an ex-trauma therapist turned somatic business mentor and receivership coach for driven female entrepreneurs with BIG visions and BIG desires who want to expand their capacity to receive money, business and life from a whole new octave of possibility, while rooted in their ease, peace and pleasure.

She is the creator of Nervous System Business Growth®, a groundbreaking somatic approach to weaving a new receivership legacy for women and their lineage.

Meet Your Community Co-Coaches

Katelyn is a holistic business coach, consultant and the founder of Nurtured Marketing Agency. She has always anchored her roots in using business as a force for good and is a 2x bestselling author. Utilizing her background in the holistic healing industry, Katelyn infuses sciences such as EFT tapping, yoga and Ayurveda into modern day business strategies.

Within all of her work is the mission to help leaders feel their own power, and claim their health and wealth at a higher standard. She is originally from New York, now in Colorado and helps businesses world-wide make more impact and income doing what they love.

Katelyn Brush


Sherise is a business and marketing aficionado and the creator of the Fast Track foundations program. She believes in systems and strategies, AND in doing business in a way that feels really bloody good. She’ll shine a light on your true potential, help you nail you marketing an messaging, and make you feel like ANYTHING is possible.
Sherise’s work centres around making business simple and implementing the mindset, systems and strategies that you give you your time back and allow you to reach high cash months with more ease. She lives in Australia but helps online businesses all over the world accelerate their growth without the overwhelm.

Sherise Adkins

Meet Your Nervous System Expansion Alchemists

Rachael is a somatic healer, boundary queen, and clarity guide for passionate creatives and entrepreneurs. Through her work supports them to feel safe activating and embodying the full essence of their expression in their art, work, and life.

She has deep reverence for the temple of the body and has a wealth of experience in supporting high-achievers to heal from burnout and hustle culture so that they can gain clarity on their path, live their truth, and expand in to their most easeful receiving paradigm.

As a Reflector by Human Design, Rachael is able to see the whole picture and bring attention to and facilitate healing that is needed in order to ground, experience ease, and stand firmly in your power, purpose, and innate worth. Rachael has been working closely with Ana for the past three years and you’ll also find her providing support inside the Emerald Tier group nervous system expansion sessions.

Rachael Bradbury


Kate is a somatic healer, transformational coach, and intuitive artist who creates spaces for your whole self to come alive and thrive .

Since 2011 she has been supporting ambitious, creative, deep-feeling humans to tune into the wisdom of their bodies, build capacity for walking their edges of possibility, and bring their full range of gifts and self-expression online.

Her work is anchored in ritual, intention, and practice that invites you into powerful experiences of nourishment, self-trust, and courageous creation.

She fully believes we are here to experience unbound joy in this lifetime and that by embracing your unique energy and your full spectrum of humanity, your deep soul-level joy and satisfaction are inevitable.

Kate Marolt

Nadine is a somatic coach who has been leading and facilitating transformational containers for 20 years. Her lineage is rooted in energetics and intuition, Shakespeare, Rumi, the Canadian mountains and forests, the Caribean and Adriatic Sea, Salvador Dali, Vincent Van Gough, Stan Getz, The Beastie Boys, and Depeche Mode.

She supports her clients in living and building unbound lives, businesses, and relationships that are true-to-self fully expressed and ever evolving.

She is a fierce and loving space holder, guiding her clients to soften and open to their innate wisdom on the path of mastery.

 She is devoted to the art of life and teaches from the mess and beauty of her own life experience.

Nadine Damian



This program is best suited for entrepreneurs who already have a business and who are making a minimum of $1-$2k per month or have in the past. Apart from that, we have entrepreneurs at all different levels of business, from the earlier stages to 7+ figures. 


Money contractions are stored in the body, and in general, most programs don’t go into the body to activate the next level that you desire to receive at. A lot of programs might tell you to “feel” it in your body, some programs programs provide nervous system regulation tools, and while that’s a part of your nervous system calibration, we go deeper inside of the program and introduce a whole new paradigm shifting approach to this work you haven’t experienced before. This is a program that meets you where you are at, and it’s individualized to your nervous system. 


Our next cohort begins in April 2024.


Our next cohort begins in April 2024.


Business coaching calls will take place on the 2nd and 4th week of the month, and will accommodate all time zones.

Nervous system expansion sessions will be held on the 1st and 3rd week of the month, and will accomodate all time zones.

If you are the DIAMOND TIER, the intimate pods will be determined as we get closer to the start date, and various call options will be provided that will be time zone friendly internationally. 

If you are unable to attend a call for any reason, a replay will be provided inside the Nectar content portal for you within 24hrs of the call.


No, this isn’t an ideal program for you if you don’t yet have a business. 


Yes, it does. You will not only have nervous system expansion, but also content and coaching time on how to integrate the shifts in your nervous system into tangible actions steps in your business. You will be receiving coaching on strategy, marketing, messaging, scaling, branding, content creation, creating resonant offers, and launching.


You will receive individualized coaching within the group calls from Ana up to 4 times per month, and coaching and support from Ana inside of the Slack community. If you desire a more intimate, 1:1 experience, please reach out about the mastermind space (BodyMind) and/or a 1:1 VIP retreat experience. 


Yes. And why wait to experience the money and business expansion that you’ve been calling in? Support and direct coaching shortens your receiving timeline BY A LOT. Let’s get you there now, instead of later. Join us here. 


Because of the unheard-of combined value of what's included inside this container as well as *instant* access to all of the content inside of Nectar, all sales are final. That said, I want you to know in your bones that this program is right for you.

If you have any questions about whether or not Nectar is the right fit before you sign up, please feel free to DM me on Instagram with your concerns, and myself or someone on my team will be happy to answer your questions and give you our honest opinion on whether the program is right for you or not.


Please reach out to Ana on IG and ask away (@iamanakinkela)! I’m here to support you to make the best decision for yourself. 


I can’t wait to support you!! You can use the quick link buttons at the top of the page which will take you to each various tier of Nectar, where the checkout links live.

The pathways to expanding your receivership with money and business from a state of ease, peace and pleasure are etched into the fiber of your being.

Your nervous system holds the key to unlocking your lush money, your impactful business and your delicious life. 

From this space is where your multi-6 and 7 figure dreams are realized.

Receiving more money from your internal well of ease, peace and pleasure is a matter of unlocking an expanded level of your nervous system capacity to receive– and then calibrating the eco-system of your business to match that resonance level.

When you tap into the brilliance and power of your nervous system capacity to receive and to hold more money– the pathway towards the depth of impact, the fullest expression of your creative force, and the most potent vibration of your voice activates and shapes the rhythm of your entire business.